Saturday, August 30, 2008

Carter's Uncles

Look at all the uncles I have!
Uncle Ali

Uncle Drew

Uncle Mike

Uncle Ben (not the one that makes rice)

Uncle Jon

Uncle Wan

Uncle Thee

Uncle Mike and Drew

My First Laugh

My mommy makes me laugh all the time. She is so funny.

Happy Boy

Hi everyone! I am such a happy boy; I like to smile lots. I started going to Mommy & Me class and its SO fun. Except I selpt through the last class - I guess I was tired! We are learning lots of new songs and some of them make me lauch. Here are some new happy boy pics:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My week

I've had the best week at home with mom and dad. Daddy is taking some time off work to be with me and we are doing lots of fun things. We had a picinic in the park and have been playing lots. I like toys now and mirrors make me laugh. I smile lots for mommy and daddy now, especially when mommy sings me funny songs. She will make up a song about anything! Here's some new pics of me taken this week.

This picture does not predict my future profession.

I am tough azn boi.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Smiles

Hi everyone!

I am growing and doing so much now. I smile a lot and even laugh sometimes (video coming). Here are some pics of my best smiles that mommy caught on camera!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Bumbo

My mommy got me this cool Bumbo chair and I sat up in it today. I'm such a big boy!

Me and my harmonys

Here are some pics of my and my two harmonys (that's how you say grandma in Korean). I am learning lots of Korean from my daddy, he's so smart!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I musta been havin a good dream...

Me n' Daddy

I'm a real person now

I got my first real letter in the mail and my very own social security card!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blue Steel

Derek Zoolander, eat your heart out.